Imagine spending four consecutive days deepening your knowledge of the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act and gaining practical insight to manage employee absences and accommodations.


For the past few years, I’ve conducted an FMLA master class, switching over last year to an ADA course. This year, I am

After years of hosting FMLA parties, I invite you now to an ADA party!


A party where we spend nine hours together over three straight days discussing nothing but the A-D-A.

Are you excited yet!?! Let me explain more.

For years, many of you have attended my FMLA webinars and master class. In

All across America this morning, pregnant employees are screaming out in muted shouts of joy and giving each other belly bumps.

Last year, I reported on the EEOC’s recent pregnancy discrimination guidance, which interpreted the Pregnancy Discrimination Act as requiring workplace accommodations for pregnant employees even if impairments suffered during pregnancy do not rise

EEOC-bannerLast week, I had the pleasure of presenting with EEOC Regional Attorney in the Chicago District John Hendrickson on the EEOC’s recently drafted Pregnancy Discrimination Enforcement Guidance and how these guidelines will impact the manner in which employers will be required to provide accommodations to its pregnant employees.  It was a great opportunity to discuss

Earlier this week, the EEOC issued new enforcement guidance on pregnancy discrimination, warning employers of their obligation to provide pregnant employees reasonable accommodations in the workplace and giving employers insight into how the EEOC will enforce pregnancy-related issues under Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) in the future.

As expected, the guidance confirms that the EEOC