In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, the FMLA questions are coming fast and furious: Can an employee take FMLA leave to obtain and recover from an abortion? What if the abortion is elective? And now that abortion will be illegal in at least some states, is travel to another state to
DOL Revises FFCRA Regulations to Clarify Paid Leave Rules in Wake of New York Federal Court’s Decision
On September 11, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued revised regulations under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) following a federal court’s decision that invalidated a handful of regulatory provisions interpreting the FFCRA. Although the DOL was widely expected to address the court decision through revised regulations and/or court action, these new…
After He Allegedly Showed Up Drunk to Practice, Should Former USC Football Coach Steve Sarkisian Have Been Placed on FMLA Leave instead of Being Terminated?
A question was posed to me on Twitter this past week: Shouldn’t former University of Southern California (USC) football coach Steve Sarkisian have been placed on FMLA leave to get treatment for apparent alcoholism instead of getting sacked by USC? [Pun intended, of course.]
For those of you not familiar with Mr.…
A Cruise Aboard the Love Boat is Not Protected by the FMLA, Even When the Doc Says It’s a Good Idea
This post has nothing to do with Netflix and its new, generous parental leave policy. Or GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s latest position on paid leave. Sorry to disappoint.
But it does involve an exotic boat cruise. And of course, the FMLA. Tantalizing? Jump aboard the Love Boat to find out…
The Facts
Lucy worked…
What!?! Time Caring for Mom in Las Vegas is FMLA Leave
Is Time Spent Filling Your Prescription at Walgreens Covered by FMLA?

Take Bob. He is a machine operator. Bob suffers from back and leg pain as well as bouts of anxiety. As a result, he typically visits with his physician every couple of months and is on prescription medication. He’s been approved for intermittent FMLA leave as a result of his serious health condition(s).
On September…
Mishandling FMLA Leave for Alcohol Treatment Causes Employer to Fall Off the Wagon
An employee enrolled in an addiction treatment program need not be under a doctor’s care or actually staying at a rehab institution to qualify for FMLA leave, according to a federal court in Texas. Picarazzi v. John Crane, Inc.
The Facts
Plaintiff Perry Picarazzi, a customer service representative for John Crane, Inc.(JCI), had a…