Imagine spending four consecutive days deepening your knowledge of the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act and gaining practical insight to manage employee absences and accommodations.


For the past few years, I’ve conducted an FMLA master class, switching over last year to an ADA course. This year, I am

They’re baaaaaack!

Earlier this month, the Department of Labor announced that it would ramp up FMLA audits (as well as wage and hour audits generally) on employers, particularly those in the warehouse and logistics industries.

Noting the increased demand and the constraints on the global supply chain “have combined to place enormous strain on the

Neighbor door matThis past December, the Department of Labor quietly turned its FMLA enforcement over to a new leader. After the retirement of FMLA Branch Chief Diane Dawson, who led the DOL’s FMLA enforcement for several years, the DOL turned to longtime DOL FMLA policy guru Helen Applewhaite to head up the agency’s FMLA efforts.  (DOL doesn’t

In this opening weekend of major league baseball, hope springs eternal for every baseball fan.  In honor of my beloved Chicago White Sox, I offer an FMLA lineup card below that from top to bottom will help employers stay atop the pennant race throughout the year.

[First, feel free to play the National Anthem if you so desire…]

From the Leadoff Hitter to the end of the lineup, here are my FMLA All Stars:Continue Reading Play Ball! An FMLA Lineup That Keeps You in the Pennant Race