Join me for my annual FMLA/ADA webinar, which comes to you, as always, free of charge!
When: Wednesday, December 8, 2021 (12:00 – 1:15 p.m. central time)
Online registration: Click here
Work-from-home requests were on the increase even before the pandemic. After having sent many of their employees home to work during the pandemic, employers now face an onslaught of remote work requests. Employers find themselves paralyzed as they must determine whether and under what terms must they provide remote work arrangements for employees who either cannot or do not want to return to the physical worksite.
In this complimentary webinar, my good friend and ComPsych’s Matt Morris and I will offer practical suggestions on how employers should approach remote work requests during (and after) the pandemic.
Through the use of case studies (and maybe a tiny bit of humor), we will cover:
- What precisely is the playing field these days when it comes to work-from-home arrangements? Did the pandemic change the entire remote work analysis?
- Dealing with the everyday: The employee who requests remote work because they are anxious to return to the physical work site
- Is remote work a viable accommodation for an employee seeking an exemption from a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine?
- Where and when does it end: Can an employee work from home indefinitely?
- Can’t I just put my employee on a leave of absence instead of allowing them to work from home?
- Suggested approach for a remote work policy and agreement
And, of course, we’ll sing. We’ll definitely sing.
When you register (click here), please pose the most difficult question you want answered in this area, and we’ll do our best to cover it during the webinar.
Quick note: This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute and SHRM for review and credit. Continuing Legal Education credit also will be available to attorneys attending the program.