The FMLA was enacted in 1993, way back when fax machines had just begun ruling the world and we were only learning how to send an email to a friend. When the law was passed, FMLA didn’t contemplate a remote workforce, let alone one that would be hastily relegated to their homes during a global
DOL Publishes Second Round of FAQs on Paid Leave Law: Agency Addresses Documentation, Intermittent Leave, Furloughs, and “Top Off” Policies
By Jeff Nowak on
For the record, I’m not getting much sleep this week, thanks to the Department of Labor. But it’s evident the DOL isn’t getting much sleep either.
Late last evening, the DOL issued a second round of Q&As (FAQs #15-37) aimed at helping employers administer emergency paid sick leave (EPSL) and paid FMLA leave (FMLA+) as…