Military Family Leave Act

Is Congress poised to amend the Family and Medical Leave Act again? Late last month, legislation was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would allow employees who work part-time or for small employers up to two weeks of leave in connection with a family member’s military deployment, thereby expanding the qualifying exigency provisions

Last fall, Congress passed and the President signed several amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act, including an expansion of military leave (2010 Defense Department Authorization Bill) and a relaxation of the hours requirement for airline employees (Airline Flight Crew Technical Corrections Act).

Congress’ willingness to amend portions of the FMLA in

In this month’s podcast, we analyze recent FMLA amendments that expand an employee’s right to take leave due to “qualifying exigencies” arising from family members’ military service, and to care for family members injured in the course of military service.

The podcast also provides an overview of pending legislation that would require paid leave,