Parental leave policies are on the rise.

Maternity. Paternity. Caregiver. You name it. I am drafting more of these policies than ever before.

So, you can imagine my interest when, last year, the EEOC sued skin care/fragrance behemoth Estée Lauder, claiming that its parental leave policies discriminated against men. According to the EEOC at

It seems that what Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer taketh, she giveth back.  Or something like that.

As you will recall, Mayer made waves several months back when she banned all Yahoo employees from working from home, a rather controversial move seen by some as unfriendly to working parents. Now, in an interesting twist, Yahoo

As a father of three, I tend to take interest in “feel good” stories about working parents.  However, in a recent ABA Journal article, an article about a working dad caught my attention for a far different reason.  The article highlighted Ariel Ayanna, who recently filed suit against his employer claiming he was terminated after