After going “live” a bit more than one year ago, we are humbled to have been selected by the ABA Journal as one of the Top 100 Legal Blogs of 2011. In its 5th Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100, the ABA Journal also was kind enough to name us among only nine labor and employment blogs receiving this honor. Congrats to those other employment blogs who made the list — they definitely are worth the read.
In naming us to this elite group, the ABA Journal shared the following:
For those confronted with regular questions about the developments in and applications of the Family and Medical Leave Act, Chicagoan Jeff Nowak’s blog is one to bookmark. Tuscaloosa, Ala., lawyer Bruce H. Henderson recounts that in April, when large swaths of his state were devastated by a string of tornadoes, he posed several leave-related questions to FMLA Insights. The response was a post addressing many of his disaster-related issues.
Now, the real work begins! If you enjoy our blog, please take a few seconds to vote FMLA Insights among the leading blogs from the Annual Blawg 100. (Seriously, it literally takes seconds to vote.) Complete a simple registration form and vote for up to 12 blogs from the Top 100 by clicking here.
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