Every other employment attorney has been offering their opinion on how the election of Donald Trump will impact employment law. So, I’d feel left out of this riveting discussion if I didn’t offer my two cents about how a Trump presidency might impact by far the most exciting area of employment law — employee medical
EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic
EEOC Commissioner Offers Helpful Guidance to Employers on Providing Accommodations to Pregnant Employees
Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting with EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic on the EEOC’s pregnancy discrimination guidance and how employers should address pregnancy accommodations in the workplace. Our presentation was part of an outstanding FMLA/ADA compliance conference hosted by the Disability Management Employer Coalition. You can access Bloomberg BNA’s coverage of our…
Want to Drastically Improve Your FMLA and ADA Expertise? My Recommendations on the Top FMLA/ADA Conferences to Attend

Throughout the year, HR professionals and attorneys ask for my recommendations on the very best conferences to learn more about the FMLA and ADA. The “best,” of course, is in the eye of the beholder. In my humble opinion, however, the conferences highlighted below are can’t miss seminars if you want to expand your knowledge…
New EEOC Guidance Expands Protections and Requires Accommodations for Pregnant Employees (and Reaffirms Rights for Dads, Too!)

Earlier this week, the EEOC issued new enforcement guidance on pregnancy discrimination, warning employers of their obligation to provide pregnant employees reasonable accommodations in the workplace and giving employers insight into how the EEOC will enforce pregnancy-related issues under Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) in the future.
As expected, the guidance confirms that the EEOC…