Q: One of our employees, a front desk receptionist, maintains an erratic work schedule because she must attend to her autistic son. In short, her son throws a tantrum at school if his mom does not personally drop him off and pick him up from school. For instance, he hides under a table, refuses to
DOL Issues Guidance on “Caring for an Adult Child” Under the FMLA
By Jeff Nowak on
Posted in DOL Initiatives, Regulatory Activity
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor issued an Administrator’s Interpretation (AI) to clarify the factors an employer must consider when an employee requests leave to care for an adult child.
As we know, an otherwise eligible employee is entitled to FMLA leave to care for a child with a serious health condition. Under the…
Best Practices: FMLA Leave to Care for an Adult Child
By Jeff Nowak on
Posted in Caring for Family Member
Perhaps it’s just me, but I recently have received several calls from clients inquiring about an employee’s right to take FMLA leave to care for an adult child (i.e., age 18 or older). Some examples include: Can a grandparent take FMLA leave to care for her daughter after the birth of her baby? Or can…