It’s the final week of the year, so while everyone else in the world is playing with their latest version of iPhone and other new electronic gadgets, I spend my time analyzing this year’s FMLA blog posts and agonizing over how I can deliver the FMLA to your virtual door in an even more efficient
29 C.F.R. § 825.307(a)
FMLA FAQ: Can an Employer Require a Doctor’s Note for Each Intermittent FMLA Absence?
By Jeff Nowak on
Posted in Medical Certification
Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of presenting on complex FMLA issues for attorneys and HR professionals attending several seminars sponsored by the National Employment Law Institute (NELI), which puts on some of the best employment law seminars in the country (my session, of course, being a drag on their success!).…