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I love my Golden Retriever, Abby.  I really do.  But this development below is a bit too much, especially for this management-side attorney.

Is it possible that employees in Florida soon may be eligible to take a leave of absence when their pets are abused or subjected to the threat of abuse?  As Eric Meyer at the Employer Handbook reports, it is indeed!

Under Florida state law, employees currently are eligible to take leave if the employee or a family or household member is the victim of “domestic violence” and the leave requested relates to the domestic violence.  However, pets in Florida may soon have some protections, too!  Under legislation proposed by State Senator Mike Fasano, the existing Florida domestic violence statute would be amended so that the definition of “domestic violence” would now include “inflicting, or attempting to inflict, physical injury against a [pet], … or placing a family or household member in fear of physical harm to a [pet].”

Based on our quick research, Florida is the only state considering a move to protect employees and their beloved pets, and even there, passage of this legislation is unlikely.  Wow, what will they think of next?